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​​"This is a pretty straightforward fight with two phases that alternate, one after the other, until the boss is finally defeated. Of particular interest is the fact that this is one of those fights where healers have to heal NPCs as part of the fight's objectives."

Boss Strats for Siege of Orgrimmar



​​"This is a council fight during which you will face three bosses. Overall, it is an interesting fight that is quite challenging, and certainly a step up in complexity from the first boss."

Strats and quotes are from Icy-Veins, Fatboss TV, wowhead and mmo-champion



​​"Norushen seals all players inside a Quarantine Zone and extracts a portion of each player's corruption to form an Amalgam of Corruption.Players must purge their personal level of Corruption in order to inflict full damage to the Amalgam. "



​​"Players start the encounter with 0 points of Pride. Whenever hit by an ability from the Sha of Pride or one of its minions, players gain 5 Pride.As a player's Pride increases to 25, 50, 75 and 100, Swelling Pride will inflict additional effects on that player."



​​"This mechanical terror, designed nearly as much for intimidation as destruction, is the centerpiece of Garrosh's siege weaponry. Crafted in the image of the mighty Kor'kron war scorpion, the Iron Juggernaut guards the gates of Orgrimmar, crushing any who would rise up to challenge Garrosh's True Horde. "



​​"Haromm and Kardris trained thousands of shaman to whisper reverently to the elements to requisition their aid. The army of Garrosh, however, does not ask - they take what they desire in the name of the True Horde. Dark Shamanism forces the elements into servitude, twisting them into burned-out ash, corrupted waters, and toxic air. "



​​"Garrosh, son of Grom, first laid eyes upon Azeroth when Thrall, who saw in him the potential for greatness, plucked him from the fields of Nagrand to spearhead the Horde's Northrend campaign. Garrosh too sees greatness as his destiny, and his actions have brought the armies of the world crashing down upon Orgrimmar for a final reckoning that Garrosh himself awaits with brutal relish."



​​"The nine surviving Klaxxi'va Paragons are ancient champions of the mantid who fought alongside the Wakener against the madness of Empress Shek'zeer. But the paragons, as do all mantid, hold a far deeper loyalty. When Garrosh unearthed the heart of Y'Shaarj, the paragons followed the whispers of their ancient creator to the iron halls beneath Orgrimmar."



​​"When the Isle of Giants was discovered off the coast of Pandaria, teeming with primal devilsaurs, Garrosh sent men to capture some of the most fearsome specimens, hoping to subjugate them and use them as beasts of war. Countless orcish beastmasters have fallen to Thok's jaws as they struggle to tame him, yet the creature's thirst for blood remains unslaked."



​​"When the Isle of Giants was discovered off the coast of Pandaria, teeming with primal devilsaurs, Garrosh sent men to capture some of the most fearsome specimens, hoping to subjugate them and use them as beasts of war. Countless orcish beastmasters have fallen to Thok's jaws as they struggle to tame him, yet the creature's thirst for blood remains unslaked."



​​"When Garrosh gazed across Pandaria, he saw untapped power. During the course of his campaign, Garrosh has plundered weapons, treasures, and artifacts of the pandaren, the mogu, and the mantid. They are kept in a warehouse deep within his underground base, guarded by a mysterious security system that appears to be of Titan origins."



​​"This fight is a pretty straightforward DPS and gear check, where the mechanics themselves will likely prove less problematic than the tuning of the encounter. It has a simple alternation of two phases (with fixed timing), and a relatively short enrage timer."



​​"Once a grunt in service of the former warchief, Thrall, General Nazgrim rose quickly through the ranks after overwhelming victories in Grizzly Hills and the sunken city of Vashj'ir. Fiercly loyal to the Horde and bound by a rigorous code of honor and duty, Nazgrim will hold the line for his warchief until his dying breath. "



​​"Galakras is the fifth boss in the Siege of Orgrimmar. This is a fight that will remind Wrath of the Lich King raiders of the encounter against Razorscale. In similar fashion, players will have to defeat mobs and use Anti-Air turrets to bring the proto-drake boss down to the ground where it can be fought and defeated. "

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