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Our Leadership​

In DUMPSTER we have a unique setup for leading our raids/guild. With most of our team having fulltime jobs and family to take care of we have broken the responceabilites down into different positions. These positions work with our officers and each other to ensure the best raiding progression and guild experience they can.

Guild Master/Roster Leader (Jaricho)
- In charge of guild ranks and assigning them when needed
- In charge of guild bank cash flow and item distribution.

- In Charge of putting together the raiding roster for each week.
- Will make the call to sit or rotate people when needed .
- In charge of replacing people during a raid.
- Will run the recruitment for the guild when needed.

Raid Leader (Colbikazie)
- Knows all boss fight mechanics and have raid strat in mind to start each progression fight
- Will have the last call on all strat changes during the raid.
- Will confer with Class leader if any strats need to change between raid days.

- Runs World of Logs to make sure we have each raid on "the books"
- Researches meters after fights to see where improvments can be made on a personal/raid level.
- Will confer with Raid leader if any strats need to change based on World of Logs meter research.
- Discusses any changes with individuals' rotations or specs during the week so improvments can be made before raid times.


Guild Member Expectations​

Be Respectful
- This is, after all, just a game so there is no reason to be disrespectful to other guild memebers (or anyone outside of the guild for that matter) for any reason, be mature and talk things out if there is an issue. Any type of disrespect could lead to being removed from the guild.

Drama Free Since 2003!
- Since we are a smaller guild and most of us have known each other for many years we are pretty easy going and calm guild. We do not put up "drama" of any kind. If you are the type of person who loves to pick a fight or cause trouble then this is not the guild for you. If you naturally get along with people and have a mature attitude then you are welcome to join up and hang out. Any drama could result in you being removed from the guild.

Raider Expectations​

Raid Times

Thursday & Sunday 7:00pm - 11:00pm EST 

- Be on time for each and every raid night. This means 5-10 mins early to make sure that you have time to travel to where you need to be and confirm everything is in order for the start of the raid night.
- We often get new boss progression kills on the last kill of the night, so we expect everyone to stay until the raid is officially "called" and not leave early. 
- During our raids we will have one 10 minute break in the middle. This is when you can get your new gear enchanted/gemed or grab some beer/food.. whatever you need to do. It is expected that you plan for this break as much as possible and as such do not go AFK for other reasons during the raid night. Though we all understand that life happens and things will come up that can not be helped, we all need to be respectful of the time of the other 9 players.
- When break time is over you are expected to be back. Not coming back in a timely manner will result in you being removed from the raid if we have a replacement on. 

You ARE Prepared!
- Have your Potions, Flasks, Food and Enchants ready to go BEFORE raid time. Having to hold up 9 other people to get an enchant or cook food is simply not fair to the other people who were ready to go.

​Listen up!​
- Listen to your raid leader! We have one raid leader during raid times. Opinions and ideas are always welcome to help progression but the raid leader has the final word no matter what.​

DKP? WTF is that?
- All of our loot is done with rolls and need before greed. We work as a team to kill bosses and progress so in-turn we loot as a team. When loot drops if you know someone else could use that piece of teir to get their 2pc or 4pc bonus and you already have it, you pass it to them. As a general rule you just don't be an ass about it. Loot whores are not accepted.

Giving Notice
- If for some reason you can not make a raid night/week or will be late that is fine, just let us know. There are posts on the forums for this if you know the dates in advance. If it is last minute jump on mumble (it has a phone app now too!) and let someone know. We ask that you give us at least a weeks notice if at all possible but we understand shit happens, just do your best to let someone know so we do not wait around for you.

- If it becomes a regular thing or no notice is given you may be replaced from the raid for that night or from the team if a replacement is found. This will be decided by the Roster Leader and the Guild Officers.

Ask any Guild Officer if you have any questions.

DUMPSTER is a laid back and mature guild, with most of our roster being around since Vanilla and in and out of "Hardcore" raiding in our past. Though we understand that this game is about having fun and hanging out with friends we also take our raid time seriously and all take pride in knowing what we are doing. From knowing our individual classes to being able to use our 7+ years of learning content, we tend to push through the new raids and into Heroics with relative ease.
We currently only run a single 10 man group. We do not usually have open spots but are always willing to have like minded people join our guild as backup raiders, PvP members, or just casual players looking for a home.
Though we are a "tight-knit" group of raiders and usually roll with the punches when it comes to our guild management, we do have a few guidelines for our raid times and guild as a whole. Take a moment to read through the below list to get a better feel of what we expect from our guild members as well as how we run our raids.

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